Tuesday, May 2, 2017

soreness led to a CTSCAN.

My check up with Dr. Stertz went well, only I told her of pain I was having where my heart was. I was feeling like I might have a heart attach?!  I thought maybe it was just the nerves coming together and of course that is what it ended up being.  She ordered a CT scan and no cancer was found!  I'm OK!

post op appointments and tattooing!!

Lots of appointments after the reconstruction so I try to take a selfie at each one.  

This is the bra that Dr. Kolb has instructed me to wear for awhile.  It kind of molds the breasts. Not comfortable!
Wore it for several months and now it is time to toss it in the trash!! I did it right then and there at the doc office.  Moving forward!!

Took myself to my nipple reconstruction surgery.  I had to stand in front of a mirror prior to the surgery and eyeball where I wanted my nipples to be placed!  A little nerve racking!! The surgery took about 2 hours and off I went with new nipples.  

My first work out in years and it felt good!   But I haven't been back...what is wrong with me?

Time for my nipple tattoos!   Here is the gun and ink...crazy.

And away we go!!!!!